Image by David Castillo Dominici,
Though I initially planned to self-publish JURATA'S DAUGHTER, my editor convinced me to give querying a try first. She loves the book and thinks others will, too. Sure hope so.
Here's a list of sites I'm using to research agents and pubishers. If you know of others, please share. Thanks.
#MSWL - This is a Twitter feed where agents and editors
post their "Manuscript Wish List". I recently saw one agent who specifically mentioned Slavic mythology--she's high on my list. You can fine tune this according to genre, such as #MSWL Fantasy, or #MSWL Young Adult, etc. Just remember, you don't pitch on Twitter unless they're having a special pitch day, like #PitMad. Send a normal query instead.
QUERY TRACKER - Search for agents/agencies that rep your genre, keep track of those you've contacted and their responses, store your query letter. A paid membership ($25) allows you to see what any agent has actually requested from queries, a big help if their site says, for example, they accept YA but all they've looked at is MG.
ABSOLUTE WRITE WATER COOLER - Search by agent, or check out these special sections: Bewares, Recommendations & Background Check
; Ask the Agent; Ask the Editor
. There's even a board for sharing your work, but you'll need to set up an account [free!] first. Post your query here and be ready for honest feedback.
AGENTQUERY CONNECT - Find an agent or editor, get your query critiqued, and much, much more.
LITERARY RAMBLES - Check out the "Agent Spotlight" here for current and past interviews.
ALEXA DONNE, YA AUTHOR - Alexa has some recent interviews with agents that are definitely worth a look.
Of course, any research will include going to the agent's site and looking up sales on Publishers' Marketplace. I hope this list helps.